Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Your Thoughts on Men in Tights

Thanks to all who entered the contest for the family four-pack of tickets to Tulsa Ballet's The Nutcracker. It's all over now, and I'm about to pick a winner. I hope you're sitting down. We're gonna make it through this. Bear with me. My condolences.

None of that made any sense. See how quickly things can go downhill when I'm left to my own devices?

Luckily, in this case, things only went as far as a discussion on men in tights. I loved reading what you had to say. Here were a few of my favorite comments:

April & Ashley: "I think this pretty much says everything I want to say. And it still (embarrassingly) cracks me up."

Here's what April & Ashley meant by "this:"

Ah. A classic. A splendid, soaring classic. Thanks for that.

From Boot ~C: "What's not to love about bulging, rock hard...thighs?" Woah - I thought I was going to faint there for a second.

From Ed: "What's the big deal? I'm wearing tights right now..."

Really, Ed, when you think about it, aren't we all wearing tights? What are tights, really, anyway? What day is it? What's for lunch? Where am I?

Sorry. I'll stop now and announce the winner.

Please note that only 14 entered in the comments, but two earned an extra entry each by posting on Twitter. Okay? Okay.

Lucky No. 7 was...

Mom Mayhem! Congrats. E-mail me to claim your prize. Thanks again to everyone who took the time to enter.

And now I'd like to leave you all with a little something I hope you don't see this year at The Nutcracker:

Ha! *shiver* If you're like me, you'll still be trying to wash this out of your brain come next Christmas.


Mom Mayhem says: said...

Yay-I won! I'll send you an email here in a minute. The mouse version of nutcracker-maybe that will get the Men in Tights song out of my head at least -LOL!

Holly said...

That's a pretty sweet prize! And it seems like the winning entry came from someone who really wanted it, so that's cool. Enjoy those men in tights, Mom Mayhem! ;-)~

Tasha said...

Holly, was that you who won some scrub over at Brigid's? Dude. Jealous! Can't wait to try some of that stuff.

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