Saturday, July 10, 2010

Mod's Coffee and Crepes. Plus, ZOMG!!1! My kid was on TV!

Mod's Coffee and Crepes

It's not very often one sees a child at a downtown restaurant in the middle of the day. Suits and ties, yes; Toy Story light-up sandals and Zany Bands, no.

Mod's Coffee and Crepes

Maybe that's why when my little guy visited downtown earlier this week to try my friend Rusty's new restaurant, Mod's Coffee and Crepes, he attracted the attention of the media.

Click the screenshot to check it out (or, click here).

See someone familiar at about 1:35?

Oh, and by the way? Pitter, patter, y'all. I've been a Rick Wells fan since I watched him on Six in the Morning before time to head to the bus stop when I was in the fourth grade. This week, he interviewed my kid! How cool is that?

Thanks for reporting on new locally owned downtown businesses, Rick. And thanks for interviewing my son about his peanut butter and jelly crepe, even if he probably wasn't the best interview subject you've ever had, what, with all the running around and screaming and refusing to speak to you and everything.

Mod's Coffee and Crepes

Wait. This photo reminds me of something.


Mod's Coffee and Crepes

Why, yes. There does seem to be a striking resemblance happening here.

Mod's Coffee and Crepes

If you all can get downtown today or tonight, you really should stop by Mod's to give it a go. They're celebrating their grand opening today by donating all of their proceeds to the Arts and Humanities Council of Tulsa. Plus, if you drive up on a scooter, you get 25 percent off the cost of your meal.

As listed on this week's Tulsa Weekend Rundown here at TDT, the party is from 4-10pm, and Mod's can be found at 507 S. Boston Ave.

Mod's Coffee and Crepes

And so can their gelato.

Mod's Coffee and Crepes

You ability to resist, it has thus been dissolved.


Holly said...

That's awesome!! I definitely want to go get me some crepes. And I agree, that is one cute kid. :-)

myletterstoemily said...

how exciting and what a little darling!

i live in tulsa, too. :)

silver star said...

His first tv appearance looked great!

Traveling Spork said...


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