Thursday, November 26, 2009

TDT Holiday Gift Guide: The Art of Manliness

The Art of Manliness

For several months now I've been walking in on my husband at the computer, poring over a certain Web site. Many a chore has gone undone. Many a meal has gone cold.

But, you know what? I don't mind. In fact, I'm hooked on the site myself.

I'm talking about the blog, The Art of Manliness. Chock full of how-tos, from how to shave with a straight razor to how to make a bed so tight it could bounce a quarter, as well as tips for the proper dressing and grooming of men and general random, manly advice, it's easy to get caught up at the site for hours at a time. Lord knows we've done it.

That's why, when Brett McKay, one of the authors of the blog, contacted me and shared that not only is the blog based in Tulsa but that he and his wife/blogging partner, Kate, just published a book based on the blog, my husband and I did a happy dance so obnoxious, so loud, so vile that we scared our toddler into crying for half an hour.

We're sorry, son. But, we couldn't contain ourselves. One day, thanks, we're sure, to advice from The Art of Manliness book and blog, you'll be able to get through this life without needing too much therapy.

The Art of Manliness

While it would behoove men (and the women who love them) everywhere to purchase copies of this book for themselves, I'm proud to present this little volume as the gift du jour in the Tasha Does Tulsa Holiday Gift Guide. With The Art of Manliness: Classic Skills and Manners for the Modern Man, a full-bodied outgrowth of The Art of Manliness blog, is a wealth of information that ranges from survival skills to advice on how to improve your character, whether you're braving the wilds with your buds, courting your girlfriend or raising a family.

The book features such guides as:
  • Shave like your grandpa
  • Be a perfect houseguest
  • Fight like a gentleman using the art of bartitsu
  • How to fold a paper airplane
  • Give a man a hug
  • Perform a fireman's carry
  • Ask for a woman's hand in marriage
  • Raise resilient kids
  • Predict the weather like a frontiersman
  • Start a fire without matches
  • Give a dynamic speech
  • How to identify and choose from among the types of men's hats
  • Modern technology and the new rules of etiquette
What man who aspires to all things virile, I ask, is not in sore need of this book? That it's homegrown is a bonus, sure, but everything on each of the 274 pages of this book is pure gold, from the glossary of manly nineteenth-century vernacular to the ready-to-use Theodore Roosevelt's list of insults. At $16.99 at local bookstores (or, as of today, $11.55 on, it's a gift that's sure to please on the cheap.

The Art of Manliness

Know what'd be extra cool? Winning the Expert Gifter of the Year award from you favorite dude, whether that's your best friend, your boss, your partner in crime or your significant other. In pursuit of this possibility, I'm going to try my own hand at writing a how-to, in the style of manliness experts and bloggers/authors Brett and Kate McKay:

How To Win an Autographed Copy of The Art of Manliness, for the Gifter

Find the comments section of this post. Proceed to the field at the bottom of this page. Key in your name, your e-mail address and other pertinent Web information.

Add a comment. Share one of your personal tips for cultivating manliness, whether you're a man or someone who chooses to grace them with your presence.

Press "comment." Then, sit back and wait - at least, for a few minutes. If you feel compelled to share more than one of your personal tips for maximum manliness, leave another comment. In fact, you're free to leave as many comments as you like. Each one will count as an entry when I use to select a winner of a signed copy of The Art of Manliness this Friday night (Nov. 27) at 8pm.

Ta-Da! You've just entered the contest for a free copy of this manual to end all manuals on manliness. You're well on your way to winning that Expert Gifter of the Year award.

Good luck, everyone. In the words of Brett and Kate McKay, stay manly this holiday season.

The Art of Manliness

The Art of Manliness: Classic Skills and Manners for the Modern Man
by Brett and Kate McKay
Paperback, 274 pages
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M. Hill said...

Just carved a turkey. Nothing makes me feel like a man like carving up wild game (and by "wild" I mean farm-raised, but very aggressive).

M. Hill said...

I'd also like to add that thanks to the Art of Manliness blog, I have officially made the transition from the cookie-cutter salon to a real, old-fashioned barber shop - and my life will never be the same!

Anonymous said...

I am an avid follower of this blog. It's great. Here's my tip. If you would like to get a great shave, it's best to use the mug. I stopped shaving with the aersol cream a long time ago and it's completely worth it. Do it, you'll be glad you did.

Anonymous said...

Okay, here's a second tip in the art of fistacuffs. It's always important to square up against another man, slightly crouched and bouncing on the balls of your feet in order to anticipate the punch. Be ready for it, and then duck and jab. Gotten me out of a couple of nasty situations.

Anonymous said...

Third and final tip, when you can keep your head while everyone around you is loosing theirs, you'll be a man my son ~ Paraphrased Rudyard Kipling.

Anonymous said...

The ultimate "manly man" will defend his maiden when appropriate. First, with his words, and then whatever follows.

Holly said...

My name: Holly

My email:

My manly tip: Don't be afraid to sport some stubble every once in a while. Or a full-on neckbeard for that matter.

Holly said...

My name: Holly

My email:

My manly tip #2: If you are ever approached by someone who wants you to watch a chick-flick or anything on Lifetime, flatly refuse.

Holly said...

My name: Holly

My email:

My manly tip #3: Give the kind of hugs that are capable of realigning the receiver's spine. It's not a very manly hug unless something pops.

Holly said...

My name: Holly

My email:

My manly tip #4: Own a pair of work boots. It's not only manly, it's also kinda hot.

Holly said...

My name: Holly

My email:

My manly tip #5 (can you tell I really want this book?): Scratch yourself. In public. And don't even look around to see if anyone noticed, because who cares if they did? You're a man, and men scratch themselves! (right?)

Holly said...

My name: Holly

My email:

My manly tip #6: Insist upon cooking the meat at any given opportunity. Real men don't trust women to cook the meat. At least my man doesn't. ;-)~

Holly said...

My name: Holly

My email:

My manly tip #7: Make sure your car is parked in a way that is pleasing to you, even if you have to pull back into your parking spot 20 times to achieve the desired result.

Holly said...

My name: Holly

My email:

My manly tip #8: Possess a knowledge of how to properly kill, clean, and eat adorable woodland creatures.

Holly said...

My name: Holly

My email:

My manly tip #9: Incorporate at least one session of drinking beers/listening to classic rock per week.

Holly said...

My name: Holly

My email:

My manly tip #10: Never apply anything to your body that is fruity, floral, or pink.

Anonymous said...

Never ever negotiate a peace treaty between November and January 1st.

Anonymous said...

Really need to take a bath and use a musk. Always good to use Sex Panther, because it has chunks of real panther.

Anonymous said...

When drinking, it's good to know your beers. Guiness or Bass are good choices, but never have a Wine Cooler or a Zima, girl man.

Anonymous said...

Best to use mustache wax on the ends of the mustache and curl it up. Makes you look like a barber.

Anonymous said...

Make your girlfriend happy by telling her every day in every way, that you love her and that she hung the moon. And then go and dance with her.

Anonymous said...

Have a brief case or a satchel from Saddleback Leather Company, and best that it is made from the outside of a dead cow. Rich leather.

Anonymous said...

The best way to slay a dragon: Go underneath the beast so that it has no way of reaching you, be careful, because the head is quite agile, thrust it's belly and come forward for the victory chop. And have a castle big enough so that you can mount the head of the beast in your Dragon room.

Anonymous said...

Hug your child, and tell them you love them, and then take care of them like you would like to be taken care of.

Carlos Moreno said...

THE best advice for any man:

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
-Robert A. Heinlein

Geoffrey said...

A man should be able to change the oil in a car. And the manly tip is to double check that you have replaced the drain bolt and oil filter before adding the oil to the engine.

Geoffrey said...

When you are out on a guys night out, don't ever order a foo-foo drink. Order manly drinks, like Guinness or scotch on the rocks. Never ever ever ever order a Cosmopolitan or any derivation.

TeeNealie said...

Dan says
When your wife has a baby and is up five times a night nursing it, let her sleep in on Saturdays. You will all be happier for it.

Chelle Bruhn said...

I just found this at the bookstore yesterday! I'm buying a copy for my husband, brother, and brother-in-law! I'd never heard of the blog so I'm headed there right now!

Vicki May Thorne said...

I believe that my husband referenced this blog in purchasing his first hat a few months ago...I'd love to get him the book to go with his love of the blog (bonus, it written by Okies- I totally didn't know that!)

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