Saturday, December 20, 2008

Two Weekend Photos

From Kupcakz, 71st and Mingo. We came out of the bakery with four cupcakes but, well, you know, things...happen, especially around here, and particularly when cupcakes are involved. What was left: Boston Dreamer (inspired by my favorite birthday cake, Boston cream pie) on the left, and the ones on the right are the Morning Buzz (chocolate and coffee - what could go wrong?) and My Peanut Buttercup (the chocolate and peanut butter combo done right) cupcakes. I can't remember which was which, but they were both gone about 2.5 seconds after I took this photo. Because they were delicious and sinful and said my name and fives lines from Prufrock. Unlikely but true, maybe.

Our little (?) man visiting Santa at Utica Square. Can you believe it? He didn't cry! He didn't even wimper. He was more stone-faced than is usually typical of him, but I don't blame him one iota. The whole concept of a giant man dressed in red hanging out in a miniature house with a lady armed with a camera and photo printer makes me feel a tad uneasy, too, and I probably look stone-faced when I'm thinking about it.

For more Christmas fun, later my family and I will head out in hopes of making a commemorative Christmas ornament at Purple Glaze on Brookside, since we heard they have several available. But, I just realized this morning that even if we make the ornament this evening, it won't be available for pick-up until well after Christmas is over. We might be headed to the mall (dun dun DUN!) instead. Blast.

If we don't talk before Thursday, have a merry one!


hwall said...

It's about time, woman. I'll have to show you Isaac's photo with the Utica Square version of Santa Claus. I-Man's wearing a similar stony expression. No offense against Utica Square St. Nick, but I almost wish I'd gone ahead and got his photo with the Promenade version at one of our rare trips to the mall. His beard was real and he was a bit jollier. I kind of thought we'd be better off without all the distractions, though. Oh, well. Yay for first Christmases.

(Great idea about Purple Glaze! Wish you'd had it sooner so I could have read this and copied it sooner!)

Linda said...

I live in Edmond and just visited Kupcakz in Tulsa for the first time today. I bought several, including the peanut butter one. I intended to only eat one bite of each, just to taste them (for research purposes, of course), but I ended up eating 3. In about an hour.

I love your sense of humor--great blog and glad I discovered it.

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