I don't know about you all, but something that continues to intrigue me since the first day I started blogging is good blog design. I've also been known to appreciate great blog photography.
In this month's Tulsa Blogger Meetup speaker, we get someone who has been recognized for excelling in both.
Erin Conrad was the winner of the Best Blog Design category in the 2009 Oklahoma Blog Awards. From what I could tell, it was one of the toughest categories in which to compete this year. Coming out on top is huge.
When she's not workin' it as an award-winning blog designer, Erin gets these creative, super-Tulsa-centric ideas for portraits.
And then follows them through.
In places like a new ballpark, or a locally-owned grocery store.
I don't know about you all, but many of my best love stories have had important scenes in grocery stores. Maybe it shows how domesticated I really am, but I don't know - there's just something about a grocery store to me. Apparently, at least three other people would agree.
By the way, the dude in the grocery store photos is none other than Mr. Trait Thompson, author of The Contemplative Tulsan. He's a thoughtful blog writer, and his blog, mostly about political stuff but also about Trait and his own life as part of a small family in Tulsa, is a good read. See for yourselves.
And then from Erin there's this:
It's a vintage camera photo album from Anthropologie, a postcard of one of Erin's most favorite images, what Erin calls the best lip gloss ever from Bath and Body Works, a state fair polaroid Erin took last fall, a mixed "tape" made by Erin, and Dr. Pepper freeze pops. All on a beautiful, vintage patchwork quilt. It was a giveaway Erin hosted on her site, Erin Conrad Photography.
That image just pleases the pickles out of me. It takes a certain kind of person to put together that particular collection of trinkets - a person I'd like to hear from.
My bet is that you all feel the same way.
There are still a few tickets left to Tulsa Blogger Meetup: The Third, this Thursday evening at Siegi's Sausage Factory at 81st and Sheridan, starting at 6:30 p.m. Get the details on the menu and more about the event here. Come join us for good food, even better company and a star for a speaker.
All photos by Erin Conrad from Erin Conrad Photography. Subscribe to her blog, follow her on Twitter.
Hey Tasha, thanks so much for the blog shoutout! The grocery store shoot was a blast. In fact, it was one of the most fun dates we'd been on in awhile. Of course, any outing sans 2-year old is a party nowadays. I can't wait until the spring semester is done and I can join all the fun at the Tulsa Blogger Meetups.
Glad I sucked in for that pic! Very excited about Erin! She's amazing!
Now stalkers are gonna be hanging outside Reasor's all across Tulsa waiting for that romantic opportunity.
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